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Biting Insects Control

Biting insects Control

There are several species of insects in Singapore that fall under this category. Biting insects usually pose a problem because of the itch that their bites leave, and the potential diseases that they can carry. Such insects can harm both humans and animals, and infestations are usually hard to control. If you suspect that you have an infestation of biting insects, or if you keep finding small itchy red spots, it’s best to consult the specialist.


2024 Latest Reports on Bed bugs

Bed bugs are small, hardy insects that have been causing increasingly disturbing problems around the world, and according to 2024 reports, their incidence is growing year by year amid increased travel and urbanisation. Other than being a nuisance, bed bugs can significantly affect one's sleep, They may provoke irritations and stress most people's minds. Their prevention and bedbugs control require an understanding of their biology and habitats and factors contributing to the spread of bed bugs.

What Are Bed Bugs?

Bed bugs belong to the species Cimex lectularius. These are ectoparasitic insects, small in size, which obtain their source of food by feeding upon human blood during night hours. They are outside of their host and thus do not penetrate the skin as lice and mites do. Bed bugs are nocturnal and therefore have become host selectors, as they can detect body heat and carbon dioxide. They puncture the skin with their elongated mouthparts to withdraw blood once they locate a host.

Bed bugs are not easy to detect since they tend to find cracks or crevices, or even any form of opening during the day so as not to be seen. Their bites cannot be said to contribute to the spread of any disease, though itching and redness may be present and in turn lead to the development of allergies in particular people. Remove bedbugs completely is the key to get rid of it.

Where Can Bed Bugs Live?

Bed bugs are very versatile and can thrive under all conditions. Their usual habitats are near sleeping places, which means beds, mattresses, and bedding are their favourite spots. However, they can survive in many other locations, including:

  • Furniture: They hide in the folds and crevices of upholstered furniture, including couches and chairs and their cushions.
  • Cracks and Crevices: Lie in cracks in walls, baseboards or behind paperhanging.
  • Carpets and Rugs: Bed bugs can secrete within carpets, particularly in bedrooms where humans sleep or rest.
  • Luggage and Clothing: In fact, bed bugs can catch a ride on luggage, clothing, and other personal items because one is a frequent traveller. It is in this way that they are transferred to different places.

Their ability to survive in various climates allows them to be present in homes, offices, hotels, and even public transportation.

How Big Are Bed Bugs?

Adult bedbugs Singapore are the size of an apple seed and are 4 to 5 millimetres in length. They are flat in shape as well. Being this small, they can easily hide in tiny gaps. Thus, they might become hard to detect until they have infested a place.

Nymphs, or young bed bugs, are slightly smaller than adults and can be as small as 1 to 2 millimetres and almost invisible to the naked eye. However, after feeding, they become very noticeable because their bodies enlarge with blood, taking a reddish-brown colour.

Bed Bugs Image

Where Are Bed Bugs Found?

Bed bugs are found nearly everywhere human beings exist or visit. Their population has increased rapidly in towns over the past years; this might be attributed to overcrowding, traveling, and also dwelling in public spaces. According to the 2024 reports, some of the places that are frequently found with bed bugs include:

  • Hotels and Motels: These locations have a high turnover of guests, which inherently results in increased infestations of bed bugs if these spaces are not properly monitored and treated.
  • Apartment Complexes: Shared walls and frequent movement of people make apartment complexes an ideal breeding ground for bed bugs.
  • Hospitals and Care Homes: The high volume of human traffic and ample hiding spaces make these institutions susceptible to bed bug infestations.
  • Public Transportation: Trains, buses, and airplanes may carry bed bugs in their seats, upholstery, and luggage compartments.

Even the cleanest and best-kept homes can be infested. Bed bugs are not drawn by dirt or filth but warmth, blood, and carbon dioxide. So, anybody can become a victim.

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

Bed bugs are flat, oval, small, and wingless insects reddish in colour, more rounded when full after feeding. Their colorations differ slightly because they hail from different life stages:

  • Eggs: Eggs of bed bugs are extremely tiny in white and about the size of a pinhead. They also mainly are laid in clusters and hide behind seams of mattresses and cracks of furniture, among other places.
  • Nymphs: Immature bed bugs, or nymphs, are translucent or pale yellow before feeding. After feeding, they turn reddish due to the blood they consume. Nymphs go through five moults before becoming adults.
  • Adults: Adult bed bugs are darker in colour with a brownish or red appearance, particularly after feeding on blood. They are vestigial, winged where no flight is used, and have their abdomens divided into several segments, which makes them appear more conspicuous after feeding.

Knowledge of bed bugs early on saves a lot of infestation that grows out of control.

What Causes Bed Bugs?

Of course, there are two broad contributors: the rise in international travel and growth in population within cities; however, some of the most common causes include the following:

  1. Travel: Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers. They could attach themselves onto luggage, clothes, or even personal items like backpacks and travel with people from one location to another. Hence, it is the reason why infestations most often occur after someone returns home from a trip.
  2. Second-hand Furniture: Used furniture, in particular mattress, sofas or bed frames can infest a house with bed bugs. Though the used furniture appears clean, due to their tiny size, bed bugs can hide out in any smallest crevices and cannot be seen.
  3. Shared Spaces: When you live in multi-unit dwellings, such as apartment houses, dormitories, etc., the risk of infestation is higher. These little bugs can travel from one unit to another, as they go through walls, floors and even shared utility lines.
  4. Lack of Awareness: To date, most people do not know what to look out for until the infestation has already progressed. Bed bugs continue laying eggs unchecked and, in densely populated and high-traffic areas, seem to thrive.

Reports in 2024 also reveal another developing problem of bed bugs resisting certain insecticides. Their resistance makes it hard to fully get rid of the infestation using traditional pest control and bedbugs removal techniques. Thus, professional pest management services will need to utilise IPM methods that would incorporate a combination of chemical treatment, heat treatment, and close monitoring.


The reports for 2024 say that bed bugs are now a global problem that surpasses the confines of houses, spreading towards commercial and public transport systems. Their ability to hide in isolated places and reproduce at lightning speed while resisting chemicals makes getting rid of them so much more complex. It therefore calls for timely detection and skillful interventions in dealing with infestations.

Of course, you need to be vigilant and wary-mostly especially during your travels, or even when buying some used furniture. Indeed, one should scrutinise the sleeping areas and ensure that personal belongings are kept away from the floor. If an infestation occurs, it is highly advisable to reach out to a pest or bedbugs control service, since the problem would be addressed immediately and efficiently.

Cat Fleas

Cat Fleas


Cat Fleas are generally very small. They are about 2-4mm in length.

Cat Fleas are usually reddish-black in color.


Did you know that Cat Fleas need to feed on the blood of animals or humans in order to produce eggs. Hence, do take note if you have pet dogs or pet cats at home. They are known to cling onto their body inside the fur/hair.

Brown Dog Ticks

Brown Dog Ticks


Brown Dog Ticks may reach about 0.5cm in length. They are very small to the eye.

Brown Dog Ticks are generally reddish-brown in color.


Although their name is 'Brown Dog Tick', they are not only appearing on your dog's body alone. They can also be found on cats, hamsters, even your clothes! What they do is that they generally attach themselves to a host. They will then follow the host whenever the host go.  So be very careful when you are visiting a hotel, chalet or your friend's house for a stayover.

Bird Mites

Bird Mites


Bird Mites are extremely small in size. They are usually between 0.4mm-0.6mm in length.

Bird Mites are usually creamy in color.


Bird mites, also called chicken mites, are pests that many people don’t think about. These tiny insects are a nuisance, nonetheless. They typically live on the skin of different birds including chickens but can find their way into homes and other structures. This is when they can become a problem for humans.

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