Cockroaches breed fast, are hard to kill, and have an uncanny ability to get anywhere. They feed on food waste, and are able to creep through the slimmest cracks and holes. They can carry diseases and bacteria, and are a nuisance in any home, food centre or restaurant. They are also incredibly hard to eliminate completely.

American Cockroaches
American Cockroaches can grow up to 4cm-5cm in length.
American Cockroaches are usually reddish-brown/black in color.
The American cockroach is the largest of the house-infesting roaches and a major pest in the United States. It’s also commonly known as the water bug, the Bombay canary or the palmetto bug. Female American cockroaches make protective cases for their eggs. These cases are capsule-shaped. After forming a capsule, the roach deposits it in a warm, humid area. An average American roach egg capsule contains about 16 eggs.

German Cockroaches
German Cockroaches can grow to be between 1cm-2cm long!
German Cockroaches tend to be brownish-black in color
German cockroaches prefer warm and humid environments (Sunny Singapore! Oh no!), close to food and water sources. They frequently invade residential properties by hitchhiking in grocery bags, cardboard boxes and secondhand appliances. For those of you who stay near restaurants, coffee shops and eateries, you need to pay more attention to the hygiene near the entrance/exit points of your house.